Die Klima-Gerechtigkeits-Bewegung im Fediverse

This page is a translated version of the page The climate justice movement in the Fediverse and the translation is 100% complete.
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This article is outdated!
Due to the nature of this article, it is almost never up to date or complete. The last time all dates were checked was on 2024-02-20.

Große Gruppen (mit mindestens 2 aktiven Accounts im Fediverse)

Bewegung Land Region oder Untergliederung Fedi Adresse (zuletzt)
Account Typ
Handle Instanz


(Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland)

Deutschland @BUNDjugend_ak_digi climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
@BUNDjugend botsin.space 🤖   Mastodon
Baden-Württemberg @bundjugend_bw climatejustice.global 🤖   Mastodon
Heidelberg @BUNDheidelberg mastodon.social ✔️   Mastodon
Hessen @BUNDjugend_Hessen climatejustice.global Jul '23   Mastodon
Hildsheim @BUNDHildesheim climatejustice.global Sept '23   Mastodon
Mainz @BUNDmainz climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Saarbrücken @bund_sb climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon

Ende Gelände


Deutschland @ende_gelaende climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
@ende_gelaende climatejustice.video instance currently down   PeerTube
Aachen @EGAachen mastodon.social ✔️   Mastodon
Hamburg @eg_hamburg climatejustice.global 🤖   Mastodon
Hannover @eg_hannover climatejustice.global Sep '23   Mastodon
Tübingen @ende_gelaende_tue climatejustice.global Apr '23   Mastodon

Extinction Rebellion


Global @ExtinctionR social.rebellion.global ✔️   Mastodon
@xrglobal tube.rebellion.global Mar '22   PeerTube
Denmark @XRDK climatejustice.global May '23   Mastodon
Deutschland @xrgermany social.rebellion.global ✔️   Mastodon
@xrderbewegungspodcast open.audio ✔️   Funkwhale
@germany tube.rebellion.global Jan '23   PeerTube
Aachen @xraachen social.rebellion.global Bot, 2022   Mastodon
Berlin @XRBerlin todon.nl Sep '23   Mastodon
@xryouth_berlin mstdn.social 2020   Mastodon
Bielefeld @xr_bielefeld social.rebellion.global ✔️   Mastodon
Bochum @xrbochum social.rebellion.global ✔️   Mastodon
Erlangen @xr_erlangen mstdn.social 2020   Mastodon
Halle @xrhalle social.rebellion.global 2021   Mastodon
@xrhalle pixelfed.de Jan '23   Pixelfed
Hammeln @xr_hameln social.rebellion.global 2020   Mastodon
Korschenbroich @XRkorschenbroich social.rebellion.global 2020   Mastodon
Köln @xrcologne social.rebellion.global ✔️   Mastodon
Lübeck @xr_luebeck social.rebellion.global 2022   Mastodon
München @MucRebellion climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Nürnberg @XR_Nuernberg mstdn.social ✔️   Mastodon
Rostock @xr_rostock norden.social 2022   Mastodon
España @spain tube.rebellion.global ✔️   PeerTube
Finland @elokapina social.rebellion.global ✔️   Mastodon
France @xrfrance social.rebellion.global ✔️   Mastodon
@xrfrance mobilizon.
Jan '23   Mobilizon
Bordeaux @XR_Bordeaux social.rebellion.global ✔️   Mastodon
Dunkerque @xrdkhdf mastodon.zaclys.com 2020   Mastodon
Lyon/Rhone @rhone social.rebellion.global ✔️   Mastodon
Marseille @marseille social.rebellion.global 2020   Mastodon
Morlaix @xrmorlaix social.rebellion.global 2019   Mastodon
Nantes @xrNantes social.rebellion.global ✔️   Mastodon
Rennes @rennes social.rebellion.global 2021   Mastodon
Saint-Etienne @xrsaintetienne social.rebellion.global Jan '23   Mastodon
Toulouse @xrToulouse social.rebellion.global ✔️   Mastodon
Tours @tours social.rebellion.global Dec '23   Mastodon
Italia @italy tube.rebellion.global 2022   PeerTube
Pisa @pisa_xr mastodon.social Jan '23   Mastodon
Nederlands @extinctionrebellionnl mastodon.nl ✔️   Mastodon
Polska @XRPolska social.rebellion.global ✔️   Mastodon
Schweiz @xrswitzerland social.rebellion.global Never   Mastodon
[关闭] 中華民國 (Taiwan) @xrtaiwan framapiaf.org 2020   Mastodon
United Kingdom @XR_UK social.rebellion.global 2019   Mastodon
South East @XRSouthEastUK mastodonapp.uk Feb '23   Mastodon

Fridays For Future


Deutschland @fff chaos.social Bot, Dec '23   Mastodon
Augsburg @fffaugsburg climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Bad Nenndorf @fff_badnenndorf climatejustice.global Nov '23   Mastodon
Baden Württemberg @fff_bw climatejustice.global 2022   Mastodon
Berlin @FridaysForFuture berlin.social 2022   Mastodon
Bochum @fridaysforfuturebochum ruhr.social ✔️   Mastodon
Braunschweig @fff_braunschweig climatejustice.global Nov '23   Mastodon
Bremen @bremenforfuture climatejustice.global Jul '23   Mastodon
Darmstadt @FFFDarmstadt climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Dresden @fffdresden climatejustice.global 2020   Mastodon
Duisburg @fff_duisburg climatejustice.social Sep ?23   Mastodon
Erfurt @fridaysforfutureerfurt social.bau-ha.us 2022   Mastodon
Frankfurt am Main @FFF_Frankfurt climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Freiburg @F4F_Freiburg freiburg.social Sep '23   Mastodon
Halle @fffhalle climatejustice.global Nov '23   Mastodon
Hamburg @fff_hamburg climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Karlsruhe @fridaysforfuture_ka climatejustice.rocks ✔️   Mastodon
Kuppenheim @kuppenheim4Future digitalcourage.social ✔️   Mastodon
Köln @fffkoeln climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Leipzig @FFFLeipzig chaos.social Oct '23   Mastodon
Moosburg @fffmoosburg climatejustice.global Jan '23   Mastodon
Mühldorf / Altötting @fff_mue_aoe climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
München @fff_muc climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
@fffmuc climatejustice.video Instance currently down   PeerTube
Oldenburg @fffoldenburg climatejustice.global Jan '23   Mastodon
Recklinghausen @fffrecklinghausen climatejustice.global Never   Mastodon
Rösrath @RoesrathForFuture climatejustice.global Aug '23   Mastodon
Rostock @fff_rostock mastodon.social ✔️   Mastodon
Ulm / Neu-Ulm @fff_ulm climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Unterhaching @Unterhaching4Future climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
@Unterhaching4F pixelfed.de ✔️   Pixelfed
France Grenoble @fff_grenoble mamot.fr Never   Mastodon
Italia @fffitalia mastodon.uno ✔️   Mastodon
@fffitalia_eventi mobilizon.it ✖️   Mobilizon
Nederland @fridaysforfuturenederland climatejustice.global Never   Mastodon
Nigeria @FFF climatejustice.social Dec '23   Mastodon
Österreich @FridaysForFutureAT climatejustice.global Jan '23   Mastodon
Wien @ViennaForFuture climatejustice.global Jan '23   Mastodon
@viennaforfuture climatejustice.video Instance currently down   PeerTube
Schweiz (Klimastreik) @klimastreik climatejustice.global May '23   Mastodon
Basel @klimastreik_basel climatejustice.global Apr '23   Mastodon
USA Seattle @FFF_Seattle climatejustice.global 2022   Mastodon

Hambi, Lützerath & Co


Deutschland Action Ticker Lützerath @LuetziTickerEN climatejustice.social Oct '23   Mastodon
Aktionsticker Lützerath @luetziticker22 climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
Alle Dörfer Bleiben @AlleDoerfer dju.social ✔️   Mastodon
Hambi Bleibt @hambibleibt todon.nl Nov '23   Mastodon
Hambi Bleibt Mahnwache @HambiMahnwache mastodon.cloud Bot, 2020   Mastodon
Hambi Camp 2.0 @hambicamp todon.eu Sep '23   Mastodon
KoLaWi Lützerath @KoLaWi_Luetzi climatejustice.social 2022   Mastodon
Lützerath Bleibt @LuetziBleibt climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
Lützi Memes @luetzimemes climatejustice.social Never   Mastodon
Strohballenhaus Lützerath @strobalue1 climatejustice.social 2022   Mastodon
Unser Aller Camp @system_change_camp climatejustice.global Feb '23   Mastodon


Deutschland @NABU_Klima_Energie climatejustice.global Sep '23   Mastodon
Euskirchen @NABUEuskirchen mastodon.no2nd.earth ✔️   Mastodon
Kiel @kielnabu norden.social ✔️   Mastodon
Laatzen @NABU_Laatzen chaos.social ✔️   Mastodon
Mittleres Kinzigtal @nabu_kinzigtal freiburg.social ✔️   Mastodon
Ortenau @NABUOrtenau freiburg.social ✔️   Mastodon

Parents For Future

Deutschland @parents4future climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Hamburg @P4F_Hamburg climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Kreis Viersen @pff_viersen climatejustice.global Never   Mastodon
Sweden @parents4future_se climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
UK @Parents4FutureUK climatejustice.global Sep '23   Mastodon

Scientist Rebellion

Global @ScientistRebellion social.rebellion.global ✔️   Mastodon
Deutschland @scientistrebellion_GER climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Denmark @ScientistRebellionDK climatejustice.rocks ✔️   Mastodon

Scientists 4 Future


Global @S4F_INTL climatejustice.global 2022   Mastodon
Deutschland @S4F climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
@s4f_podcast climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Berlin-Brandenburg @S4F_BeBb climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Göttingen @S4F_Goettingen climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Hamburg @s4f_hh climatejustice.global Nov '23   Mastodon
Hannover @S4F_Hannover climatejustice.global Oct '23   Mastodon
Köln, Bonn @s4f_koeln_bonn climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Leipzig @s4f_le climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Stuttgart @S4F_Stuttgart climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Nederland @sciforfuture_NL climatejustice.global Bot Jan '23   Mastodon
Österreich Wien @S4F_Wien graz.social Sep '23   Mastodon

Kleinere Gruppen

Bewegung Region Fedi Adresse (Zuletzt)
Account Typ
Land Stadt/Gebiet Handle Instanz
A22 Network @a22network climatejustice.global never   Mastodon
Activism International @activism_international climatejustice.global 2022   Mastodon
Aktion Autofrei @aktion_autofrei mastodon.social Bot, Sep '23   Mastodon
Am Boden Bleiben @AmBodenBleiben climatejustice.global Never   Mastodon
Artists For Future Deutschland München @Artists4Future_Muenchen climatejustice.global Dec '23   Mastodon
Attac Deutschland Lübeck @attac_hl mastodon.social 2019   Mastodon
Bäume statt Parkplätze @baeumestattparkplaetze climatejustice.global 🆕   Mastodon
Baumpiratinnen @baumpirat_innen todon.nl 2020   Mastodon
Bank on Our Future @BankOnOurFuture climatejustice.global Feb '23   Mastodon
BE Coalition USA San Diego @SDBECoalition climatejustice.global Jun '23   Mastodon
BerlinForFuture Deutschland Berlin @Berlin4Future climatejustice.global Jul '23   Mastodon
Bikegrid Now @bikegridnow climatejustice.global never   Mastodon
Blockade Australia @blockadeaustralia climatejustice.social Mar '23   Mastodon
Campaign Against Climate Change @campaigncc climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Carbon Market Watch @carbonmarketwatch climatejustice.global Jun '23   Mastodon
City Atlas USA New York @CityAtlas mastodon.social ✔️   Mastodon
Climate Action Merribek Australia Naarm (Melbourne) @CAMerribek climatejustice.global Feb '23   Mastodon
Climatejustice.events @climatejustice_events climatejustice.global Sep '23   Mastodon
Climate News Now @ClimateNewsNow federated.press ✔️   Mastodon
Climate Psychology Alliance @ClimatePsychologyAlliance climatejustice.global Mar '23   Mastodon
Climate Quest @climate_quest mas.to Feb '23   Mastodon
Climate Vanguard @climatevanguard climatejustice.global Jul '23   Mastodon
Climaximo @climaximo climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Code Rood @CodeRood todon.nl ✔️   Mastodon
Developers for Future @developers forfuture.social ✔️   Mastodon
Earth4All @earth4all mastodon.world Nov '23   Mastodon
Ecologists at Risk @ecologistsatrisk climatejustice.global Jun '23   Mastodon
Enough 14 @enough14GNU todon.nl Jul '23   Mastodon
Environmental Defenders Office @EDOLawyers climatejustice.global Mar '23   Mastodon
Erde Brennt Graz Österreich Graz @erdebrennt graz.social Jan '23   Mastodon
Erde Brennt Uni Wien Österreich Wien @erdebrennt_uni climatejustice.global 2022   Mastodon
Erde Brennt Schule Wien Österreich Wien @ErdeBrenntAT climatejustice.global 2022   Mastodon
Fermento @fermento climatejustice.global Dec '23   Mastodon
Fischa Au Bleibt Deutschland @Fisch_Acker climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Gegenstrom Deutschland Hamburg @GegenstromHH climatejustice.global Nov '23   Mastodon
Gemeinsam gegen die Tierindustrie @GemeinsamGegen
todon.nl ✔️   Mastodon
Green Antikapitalist Front @FrontGreen sunbeam.city 2022   Mastodon
Green Kapitalism Kills @greencapitalismkills social.tchncs.de 2020   Mastodon
Greenpeace Ruhr Deutschland Ruhr @greenpeace_ruhr ruhr.social 🤖   Mastodon
Greenpeace Schweiz Schweiz @greenpeace_ch mastodon.greenpeace.ch Bot Aug '23   Mastodon
Grow Sverige Sweden @grow mastodon.se Instance currently down   Mastodon
Hacker For Future @HackerForFuture chaos.social Sep '23   Mastodon
Hamilton 350 @Hamilton350 mastodon.green Mar '23   Mastodon
Jugendrat Wien Österreich Wien @JugendrAT climatejustice.global 2022   Mastodon
Jugendrat Wiener Neustadt Österreich Wiener Neustadt @jugendratwrneustadt climatejustice.global Feb '23   Mastodon
Just Stop Oil @JustStopOil masthead.social ✔️   Mastodon
Känguru Kollektiv @KaenguruKollektiv climatejustice.global Never   Mastodon
Karte von Morgen @Kartevonmorgen climatejustice.global Oct '23   Mastodon
Keine A49 Deutschland @keinea49 todon.nl Bot, Nov '23   Mastodon
Kietzblock Alt Lichtenberg @kiezblock_alt_lichtenberg climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
KligK @kligk climatejustice.global Aug '23   Mastodon
Klima Antifa Deutschland Tübingen @KlimaAntifaTue social.anoxinon.de 2021   Mastodon
Klima Wende Köln Deutschland Köln @klimawende_koeln climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Klimablatt Schweiz @klimablatt tooting.ch ✔️   Mastodon
Klimabuchmesse @klimabuchmesse climatejustice.social Oct '23   Mastodon
Klimacamp Deutschland Bremen @klimacamp_bremen climatejustice.global Bot, Mar '23   Mastodon
Klimaentscheid Ulm Neuulm


Ulm, Neuulm @klimaentscheidulm_neuulm climatejustice.global Aug '23   Mastodon
Klimafit Emmendingen Deutschland Emmendingen @KlimafitEM freiburg.social ✔️   Mastodon
Klima Freunde Deutschland Köln @klima_freunde social.tchncs.de ✔️   Mastodon
Klimagerecht Leben @klimagerecht_leben climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Klima Nachrichten @KlimaNewsDE troet.cafe ✔️   Mastodon
Klima Neustart Deutschland Berlin @klimaneustart climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
Klimatbevakaren Sweden @klimatbevakaren mastodon.nu Sep '23   Mastodon
Klima Wandeln @KlimaWandeln reporter.social ✔️   Mastodon
Klima° vor Acht @klimavoracht mastodon.social ✔️   Mastodon
Klimatreffen Deutschland Karlsruhe @klimatreffen_ka climatejustice.global Nov '23   Mastodon
Koala Kollektiv @koalakollektiv climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Kölle For Future Deutschland Köln @KoelleForFuture climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
Kommunale Klimaklage @KommunaleKlimaklage climatejustice.global 2022   Mastodon
Kranold Kietzblock Neukölln @Kranoldkiezblock climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Letzte Generation Deutschland Deutschland @AufstandLastGen climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
Letzte Generation Österreich Österreich @LetzteGenerationAT climatejustice.social Jan '23   Mastodon
Libraries4Future @libraries4future climatejustice.global Nov '23   Mastodon
Lobau Österreich Wien @lobau climatejustice.global 2022   Mastodon
Lobau Bleibt Österreich Wien @lobaubleibt climatejustice.global 2021   Mastodon
Naturfreundejugend Deutschland Leipzig @NFJLeipzig climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Nebelhorn Podcast @Nebelhorn norden.social ✔️   Mastodon
NRWE Tribunal Deutschland @NRWETribunal climatejustice.global 🆕   Mastodon
Ohne Kerosin Nach Berlin Deutschland @ohnekerosinnachberlin climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Okios @oikos climatejustice.global Jan '23   Mastodon
Ökomob @oekomob mastodon.social Dec '23   Mastodon
Osterholz Bleibt @OsterholzBleibt todon.nl 2019   Mastodon
Reklame Fossielvrij @reclamefossielvrij mastodon.online Jun '23   Mastodon
Sand im Getriebe Deutschland Berlin @SiGBerlin climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Seebrücke Deutschland Frankfurt @seebrueckeffm mastodon.social ✔️   Mastodon
Shell Must Fall @ShellMustFall todon.nl ✔️   Mastodon
Soli Lausitz 23 @Soli_Lausitz23 todon.nl ✔️   Mastodon
Stay Grounded @StayGrounded_net mastodon.social ✔️   Mastodon
Stop Funding Heat @stopfundingheat mstdn.social 2022   Mastodon
Stopp Oljeletinga @stoppoljeletinga climatejustice.global Apr '23   Mastodon
Third Generation Project @ThirdGenProject climatejustice.global Jul '23   Mastodon
Together For Future @tff_germany climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Transition Together @TransitionTog climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Turboklimakampfgruppe Deutschland Kiel @tkkg_kiel todon.eu ✔️   Mastodon
Tschüss Erdgas @tschuesserdgas climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Unser Aller Wald @UnserAllerWald climatejustice.global 2022   Mastodon
Urgewald @urgewald climatejustice.global Aug '23   Mastodon
Vegans For Future Karlsruhe Deutschland Karlsruhe @vffka climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
VerkehrsWendeStadt @verkehrswendestadt verkehrswende.social ✔️   Mastodon
Wald statt Asphalt @wsa_buendnis climatejustice.global ✔️   Mastodon
Wir stellen uns quer @wsuq climatejustice.social 🤖   Mastodon
Via Campesina Europe @ecvc climatejustice.global Apr '23   Mastodon
WWF @Wwf mstdn.social never   Mastodon
WWF Deutschland @wwf_deutschland climatejustice.social Feb '23   Mastodon
Zimt @zimt todon.nl ✔️   Mastodon


Bitte nur berühmte Personen (z.b. solche mit eigenem Wikipedia Artikel) und Personen, die zugestimmt haben, hinzufügen.

Name tätig als Org(s) Fedi Adresse (Zuletzt)
Account Typ
Handle Instanz
504 dr @504DR climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
A.C. Tupper @ACTupper scicomm.xyz ✔️   Mastodon
Aaron Weiss @aweiss mas.to Sep '23   Mastodon
Aimee Witteman @aimeewitteman mastodon.energy Feb '23   Mastodon
Alexandra Rausch psychologist Psy4F @Alexandra_Rausch climatejustice.social Feb '23   Mastodon
Amy Westervelt journalist @amywestervelt journa.host Oct '23   Mastodon
Andrew Boswell scientist @DrAndrewBoswell_CEPP climatejustice.rocks Apr '23   Mastodon
Anne Wash @annewash45 kolektiva.social Jan '23   Mastodon
awoe @awoe urbanists.social Feb '23   Mastodon
Benjamin Douglas student @BenjaminDouglas mastodon.world Mar '23   Mastodon
Betsy J @revej climatejustice.social Dec '23   Mastodon
Billy Hunter scientist @BioGeoChemBilly mastodon.ie ✔️   Mastodon
Bob Kopp scientist @bobkopp fediscience.org ✔️   Mastodon
Bread and Circuses @breadandcircuses climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
Brendan Byrne scientist @bbyrne techhub.social ✔️   Mastodon
Cam Ross @camross mastodon.social Mar '23   Mastodon
Cameron Underwood scientist @CameronUnderwood masto.ai Dec '23   Mastodon
candy in the wind educator & activist @kjempeslu climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
Carla Caputo @carlaxo mastodon.online Mar '23   Mastodon
Chad M Briggs scientist @chadmbriggs climatejustice.rocks Dec '23   Mastodon
Charles Muller activist @acmuller mastodon.social ✔️   Mastodon
CelloMom on Cars activist & educator @CelloMomOnCars mastodon.social ✔️   Mastodon
Chris H musician @hutchingsmusic mastodon.online ✔️   Mastodon
Chris Haynes @clfh mastodon.green ✔️   Mastodon
Chris Robertson @DesignClimate mas.to Feb '23   Mastodon
Christian Frank activist FFF Köln @chfrankcgn chaos.social ✔️   Mastodon
Christian Gelleri scientist @gelleri mastodon.social ✔️   Mastodon
Cyrus C Taylor scientist @CyrusCTaylor mastodon.social Dec '23   Mastodon
Damon @Kubar69 aus.social ✔️   Mastodon
Dan Shugar scientist @atershedlab fediscience.org Aug '23   Mastodon
Dana R Fisher @Fisher_DanaR mastodon.social Nov '23   Mastodon
Daniel Huppmann scientist S4F Österreich @daniel_huppmann mastodon.social ✔️   Mastodon
Dargan M. W. Frierson scientist @darganf climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
David psychologist Psy4F @davevader det.social ✔️   Mastodon
David Ho scientist @davidho mastodon.world ✔️   Mastodon
David Sacerdote scientist @dsacer fediscience.org ✔️   Mastodon
Ed Hawkins scientist @ed_hawkins fediscience.org ✔️   Mastodon
Elizabeth Sawin scientist @bethsawin spore.social ✔️   Mastodon
Eric Loots @ericloots mastodon-belgium.be ✔️   Mastodon
Erica McIntyre scientist & educator @EricaMcIntyre aus.social Oct '23   Mastodon
Eunice L Alexander scientist & educator @elatoad6 mastodon.online ✔️   Mastodon
Even Rodowski @evanrud mastodonapp.uk Jan '23   Mastodon
Farhana Sultana educator @farhanasultana mastodon.social ✔️   Mastodon
Felix psychologist Psy4F @felixpeter climatejustice.social Jan '23   Mastodon
FerRacimo scientist, activist Scientist Rebellion @FerRacimo fediscience.org ✔️   Mastodon
Franke James author @frankejames mastodon.online ✔️   Mastodon
Gary Krysztopik @garykrysztopik techhub.social ✔️   Mastodon
Georg Adelmann psychologist Psy4F @geoadel climatejustice.social Oct '23   Mastodon
Gerald Kutney author @GeraldKutney noc.social ✔️   Mastodon
Gill King @gillking mastodon.au Sep '23   Mastodon
gmoke @gmoke mastodon.social ✔️   Mastodon
gpfeifer @gpfeifer mastodon.online Oct '23   Mastodon
Gregory Manni author, journalist @gregory_manni climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
Greta Thunberg activist FFF @gretathunberg mastodon.nu ✔️   Mastodon
Heather Price scientist & activist @huprice mastodon.social ✔️   Mastodon
Henning Jeschke scientist & activist Mitgründer der "Letzten Generation" @hinschauhen mstdn.social ✔️   Mastodon
Ido Liven @IdoLiven masto.ai ✔️   Mastodon
Ingwar Perowanowitsch activist @Perowinger94 mastodon.social ✔️   Mastodon
Jack Pine scientist @sserbin mastodon.social Sep '23   Mastodon
Javed Ali scientist @javedali fediscience.org ✔️   Mastodon
JB Scotty @jb_nerd climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
Jhinin @jhinin mastodonapp.uk Oct '23   Mastodon
John Englart activist @takvera c.im ✔️   Mastodon
Jonathan Koomey author @jgkoomey mastodon.energy ✔️   Mastodon
Jojoo activist @jojoo climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
Jordan @jordane121 mastodon.green Jan '23   Mastodon
Julescelt scientist @julescelt01 universeodon.com ✔️   Mastodon
Just Matthew @Irreverent_B kolektiva.social Oct '23   Mastodon
Kat Friedrich journalist @katfriedrich sciencemastodon.com ✔️   Mastodon
Kate Walton-Elliott journalist @pyoor mastodon.
✔️   Mastodon
Katharine Hayhoe scientist @kathhayhoe climatejustice.rocks ✔️   Mastodon
Katja Diehl author & activist @SheDrivesMobility norden.social ✔️   Mastodon
Kayla Anderson activist Climate Re:Play @imbaela spore.social Apr '23   Mastodon
Kirsten v. Elverfeldt scientist @theogeo6 social.anoxinon.de Nov '23   Mastodon
Kit the builder @Kit mastodon.energy Aug '23   Mastodon
Larry Edwards @RadReduction spore.social 2022   Mastodon
Laura Skies @greeneralia masto.ai ✔️   Mastodon
Lea Dohm psychologist Psy4F @leadohm climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
Leigh Callinan scientist @lcallinan mastodon.au ✔️   Mastodon
Leo Burtscher scientist Astronomers for Planet Earth @leo mastodon.green ✔️   Mastodon
LeRoy Westerling scientist @LeRoyWesterling sfba.social ✔️   Mastodon
Liz Burakowski scientist @LizBurakowski noc.social Feb '23   Mastodon
Liz Connor historian, activist @LizConor activism.openworlds.info 2022   Mastodon
Lorraine Shrops @Lorraine_Shrops floe.earth Jun '23   Mastodon
Lu Yen Roloff @Planet_A mastodon.social Feb '23   Mastodon
Luisa Neubauer activist FFF @luisaneubauer forfuture.social 2022   Mastodon
Maia architect @maiakbc climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
Malin Wiese student @Malin_Wiese mastodon.green Mar '23   Mastodon
Mareike @mareike climatejustice.rocks ✔️   Mastodon
Matt Henry scientist @Menrywy mastodon.social Sep '23   Mastodon
Mari @mari kolektiva.social ✔️   Mastodon
Marion Grau activist @marion_grau climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
Medusa sans Frontières @opheliainwaders mstdn.social 2022   Mastodon
MeerderWörter activist FFF Österreich @MeerderWoerter climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
Michael E. Mann scientist @MichaelEMann fediscience.org ✔️   Mastodon
Mitzi Jonelle activist YACAP, FFF @mitzijonelle climatejustice.social 2022   Mastodon
Meade Crosby scientist @MeadeKrosby mas.to Sep '23   Mastodon
Methane Hunter activist @TXsharon climatejustice.rocks Mar '23   Mastodon
Monte Paulsen scientist @montepaulsen mstdn.ca ✔️   Mastodon
MurmeltHier @MurmeltHier climatejustice.rocks Jul '23   Mastodon
Nasenbär activist @Nasenbaer climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
Nichol Brummer @Nichol mstdn.social Jun '23   Mastodon
Olive Farmer farmer @OrcaFarmer mastodon.nz Nov '23   Mastodon
Openhuman @Openhuman mastodon.online ✔️   Mastodon
PaulaToThePeople activist FFF Wien/Österreich @PaulaToThePeople climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
Pauline von Hellermann activist extinction rebellion @pvonhellermannn mastodon.green ✔️   Mastodon
People & Nature @peoplenature mastodon.world ✔️   Mastodon
Peter Gleick scientist @petergleick fediscience.org ✔️   Mastodon
Peter Fairley journalist @pfairley mas.to ✔️   Mastodon
Peter Kalmus scientist @ClimateHuman climatejustice.social Jan '23   Mastodon
Piff 123 activist @Piff123 mastodon.social ✔️   Mastodon
Rhinos Worry Me @RhinosWorryMe climatejustice.rocks ✔️   Mastodon
Rich Puchalsky @RichPuchalsky kolektiva.social ✔️   Mastodon
Robert journalist @rfi mastodon.social Sep '23   Mastodon
Robert Senner @RobertSenner mastodon.social Jan '23   Mastodon
Rose Hedges @rosehedges climatejustice.social Feb '23   Mastodon
Ross McFarlane @ross_macfarlane mastodon.social Feb '23   Mastodon
sabine psychologist Psy4F @sabine digitalcourage.social Oct '23   Mastodon
Sabine Maur psychologist Psy4F @SabineMaur mastodon.social Mar '23   Mastodon
Sandro Figueiredo Pires @environmentalnetworker climatejustice.social Dec '23   Mastodon
SE Bachinger @sebachinger climatejustice.rocks Apr '23   Mastodon
Sir GameZaloT medical doctor @SiR_GameZaloT paktodon.asia ✔️   Mastodon
Sommer Ackerman activist @Sommerackerman climatejustice.social Oct '23   Mastodon
Stefan Rahmstorf scientist @rahmstorf fediscience.org ✔️   Mastodon
Stefan Urbat scientist S4F Deutschland @Stefan_Urbat mastodon.social ✔️   Mastodon
Steffieffi @Steffieffi nerdculture.de Jan '23   Mastodon
Susi Arnott scientist @SusiArnott mastodon.green ✔️   Mastodon
Sven Scherrer engineer @sven verkehrswende.social ✔️   Mastodon
T Chu @chu climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
Tadzio Müller activist @muellertadzio climatejustice.social ✔️   Mastodon
Tara Carey @taracarey mastodon.online Oct '23   Mastodon
Theresia Crone activist FFF Deutschland @theresia climatejustice.social Jan '23   Mastodon
Tessa Hill scientist @ClimateTessa mastodon.social ✔️   Mastodon
Toa5t activist @toa5t mastodon.nz ✔️   Mastodon
Tutufant psychologist Psy4F @Tutufant ruhr.social Sep '23   Mastodon
Tuxom @tuxom mastodon.social ✔️   Mastodon
U. Lancier @Ulan_KA social.tchncs.de ✔️   Mastodon
Una activist PFF @Una hessen.social ✔️   Mastodon
Underutilized Mediocrity scientist @wayofthewitch witches.live ✔️   Mastodon
Véronique Boillet scientist @vboillet fediscience.org 2022   Mastodon
Volker Quaschnig scientist S4F @VQuaschning mastodon.green ✔️   Mastodon
WasSollManNochSagen psychologist Psy4F @wassollmannoch mastodon.social Mar '23   Mastodon
Worthing Climate Action @WorthingClimateAction mstdn.social Jan '23   Mastodon
Zack Labe scientist @ZLabe fediscience.org ✔️   Mastodon
Zane Selvans @ZaneSelvans social.coop ✔️   Mastodon
Ziggy Drop ARTivist @ZIGGYDROP forfuture.social Mar '23   Mastodon


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