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= Was ist das Fediverse? =
[[File:Fediverse logo.png|thumb|Fediverse Logo]]
Des Fediverse ist ein gigantischen Netzwerk an Social Media Plattformen. <br>
Es gibt Plattformen für microbloggen, bloggen, photobloggen, Video hosten und viel viel mehr und sie sind alle miteinender vernetzt oder ''föderiert''. <br>
Du brauchst also nur einen Account um User*innen auf anderen Plattformen zu folgen.
== Stell dir vor ==
Stell dir vor Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & Co wären alle Teil eines gigantischen Netzwerks. Das ist quasi was das Fediverse ist, außer, dass die einzelnen Teile weniger bekannt, [[What is free software?/de | Freie Software]] und föderiert sind.
Im Fediverse kannst du von deinem "Twitter" Account mit "Facebook" Accounts interagieren, "Instagram" Posts teilen, "Youtube" Videos kommentieren, "Spotify" Musik anhören, "Blogger" Blogs folgen, in "Reddit" Diskussionen teilnehmen und mehr.
== Vergleich zu traditionellem Social Media ==
==== Features ====
The Fediverse and its projects let you make your own social media part of a bigger network.
It has many advantages over traditional social media like Twitter and Instagram. Due to its decentralized nature it's possible to create circles of more tiny social media with users to hang out with. Hosting your own instance lets you make your own rules. Most instance owners maintain an instance with their own money for the sake of having their own platform and not for making money from you by serving ads as an example.
The Fediverse innovates on what has worked before and adds many new features. A commonly supported feature is custom emojis. Similarly to Discord, it lets administrators add their own (even animated) emoji. The Fediverse also lets you decide who gets to see your posts: with so called scopes, you can decide whether only the users you mention, your followers or the public gets to see them.
==== Morals ====
Traditional social media is neither social nor media. It is not made for you, it is made to exploit you and it is full of misleading ads and fake news. <br>
This is because the aim of traditional social media is to make a whole lot of money. <br>
The aim of the Fediverse is to benefit the people. <br>
The aim of traditional social media is to control and steer the users. <br>
The aim of the Fediverse is to empower the users to control the Fediverse.
== Terminology==
* Your '''account''' or '''identity''' has a unique address called a '''handle''' and is hosted on one of the many servers, also called instances.
* An '''instance''' is basically a small social network hosted on one server. Each instance can have its own set of rules as for what content is allowed. You can also host your own instance. Each instance runs one software.
* The '''software''' used on an instance is essential for the user experience and possibilities.
* Many software projects use the same '''protocol''' which enables instances to communicate with each other. Most software projects use Activity Pub. Some projects might not have full federation with other projects yet.
* The '''Fediverse''' (federated universe) is the sum of all '''accounts''', on all '''instances''' using any '''software''', communicating with any '''protocol'''. <br> The Fediverse includes more than just social media projects. Any software that federates using one of the protocols is part of the Fediverse.
* [https://climatejustice.social/@PaulaToThePeople @PaulaToThePeople@ClimateJustice.social] is an example for a handle. [https://climatejustice.social/ ClimateJustice.social] is the instance the account is on. The software it uses is Mastodon. Thanks to the ActivityPub protocol it can follow accounts on other instances that use e.g. Mastodon, GNU Social or Pixelfed software.
== Wie komme ich an einen Account? ==
''Hauptartikel: [[Wie komme ich an einen Account?]]''
Wenn du erst mal nur das Fediverse kennen lernen willst, ohne dir zu viele Gedanken machen zu wollen, wo du hinpasst, dann könntest du z.b. einen Account bei  [https://mastodon.social mastodon.social] oder [https://mastodon.online mastodon.online] anlegen. <br>
Du kannst später [[Instanz wechseln]] oder weitere Accounts auf verschiedenen Instanzen und Projekten anlegen. <br>
Wenn du aber gleich "die richtige" Instanz finden willst, dann klicke den obigen Link.
== Further Reading ==
[[What are Fediverse projects?]] <br>
[[What people usually tell you about the Fediverse]] <br>
[[Getting started with your Fediverse account]] <br>
[[Mobile apps]] <br>
[[Best practices]] <br>
[[Fediverse]] - the advanced page on the Fediverse
== External Links ==
''Main article: [[Fediverse weblinks]]''
[https://fediverse.town/ Fediverse Town] The forum for questions about the Fediverse
'''Fediverse Guides'''
[https://digitalcourage.de/digitale-selbstverteidigung/fediverse Fediverse – So geht gutes Social Media] <br>
[https://schwarzerpfeil.de/2021/02/10/das-fediverse/ Das Fediverse] <br>
EN: [https://kambing.neocities.org/pages/fediverse/ The Fediverse: the distributed social network] <br>
EN: [https://torresjrjr.com/archive/2020-07-19-guide-to-the-fediverse Guide to the Fediverse] <br>