Mastodon features explained: Difference between revisions

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====Enable advanced web interface====
====Enable advanced web interface====

Here you can choose between the [[#Basic interface|basic interface]] and the [[#Advanced interface|adanced interface]].
Here you can choose between the [[#Basic interface|basic interface]] and the [[#Advanced interface|advanced interface]].

====Animations and accessibility====
====Animations and accessibility====

Here you can choose whether the timelines will automatically load new toots or not, whether gifs automatically move or not, whether there are animations displayed e.g. for boosting or liking a post, whether you can use swiping motions to interact with Mastodon and whether Mastodon will display it's own fonts or fall back to your system's default fonts.

====Crop images in non-expanded posts to 16x9====

====Crop images in non-expanded posts to 16x9====
We recommend unticking this box as toots look better if the whole picture is shown.

====Show today's trends====
====Show today's trends====
Here you can hide the trending hashtags from your basic or advanced interface.

====Confirmation dialogs====
====Confirmation dialogs====
These are some good options to avoid unintentionally boosting or deleting a post or unfollowing someone.

====Sensitive content====
====Sensitive content====
The sensitive content settings let you hide or reveal all media or all media marked as sensitive by the poster.<br>
If you're not easily triggered you can also expand all posts with content warnings so you don't have to click on the content warning every time to see the full toot.


====Events for e-mail notifications====
Most notification settings were mentioned [[#Notification settings|before]] so here are options only for email notifications plus options to block all notifications and/or direct messages from people you don't follow or people who don't follow you.
====Other notifications settings====


====Opt-out of search engine indexing====
====Opt-out of search engine indexing====
This will hide your profile from search results on Duck Duck Go, Google and other search engines.

====Hide your social graph====
====Hide your social graph====
Whether your profile displays how many people you follow and how many people follow you.

====Group boosts in timelines ====
====Group boosts in timelines ====
This feature is enabled by default. Disabling it may result in your home timeline showing the same post multiple times in a row if many people boosted it.

====Posting defaults====
====Posting defaults====
Here you can change the default privacy setting for your toots, what language your toots are written in (if you only post in one language) whether all your media is by default marked as sensitive (e.g. if you post a lot of nudes) and whether to disclose what application you are using in your posts. The last option will not do anything if you are just using Mastodon in the browser.

====Filter languages====
====Filter languages====
Here you can filter out toots in languages you don't understand. Select the languages you do understand and leave the other boxes unticked.

==Follows and followers==
==Follows and followers==