Les bonnes pratiques

Revision as of 11:34, 13 August 2022 by Stemy2 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Inclusion==")
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Le fédiverse est un endroit bienveillant et inclusif et pour le maintenir comme tel, il convient de suivre quelques lignes directrices.


Il y a des personnes aveugles ou malvoyantes qui utilisent le fédiverse et utilisent des lecteurs d'écran. Cette technologie est imparfaite et ne peut pas tout déchiffrer. Pour aider les lecteurs d'écran à prononcer correctement le contenu, voici quelques moyens pour y adapter vos publications:

  • Utilisez les descriptions d'images et de vidéos
    Décrivez ce qu'il y a dans vos videos et images pour les personnes mal/non-entendantes ou mal/non-voyantes. C'est facultatif, mais il y a une fonction de caption sur Mastodon sur la plupart des softwares.
  • Utilisez le CamelCase
    Pour les hashtags composés de plusieurs mots ou formant une phrase, mettez une majuscule à chaque début de mot. Par exemple, #JusticeClimatique.
  • N'utilisez pas trop d'émoticônes
    Les lecteurs d'écran les lisent comme du texte et bon nombre d'émoticônes sont horribles à entendre.


Write in a way that is inclusive and respectful to everybody. For example, avoid discriminatory (ableistic) terms like "retard" or "gimp", anti-queer language like using "gay" meaning "bad", racist terms like "blacklist" (use "blocklist" instead, or refer to "blocked users", "blocked domains", etc.) or "master" (which has slavery connotations for some people) for software branches.

Data Privacy

Some users are privacy conscious. That means they might for example prefer avoiding visiting mainstream platforms. Others don't wanna click on links that look suspicious (with domains they don't know, or ones that are shortened). Here are some tips to make the Fediverse a bit more safe and privacy-respecting:

  • Avoid links to mainstream platforms (e.g. Facebook, YouTube, Spotify, etc.)
    There are alternatives for most of them. For example, if you have to link to a Twitter thread use Nitter (an alternative Twitter reader). If you want to post a video and you have the rights to upload the video use PeerTube (a federated YouTube alternative), otherwise use Invidious (an alternative YouTube viewer). If you want to link to Instagram use Bibliogram (an alternative Instagram viewer), and so on...
  • Avoid using short links
    It's impossible to know what's behind them on the first glance. It could be a link to a safe, shady or privacy-disrespecting site.


  • Use content warnings when appropriate
    Some people might be triggered by certain posts, so it's a good idea to hide them behind a content warning or CW. Often used examples for content warnings are "mh-" (bad mental health), "ph-" (bad physical health), "uspol", "depol",... (politics) & "corona"/"covid".
  • Don't repost retweets to the Fediverse
    There are Twitter-Mastodon crossposters. It is generally okay to use them, but try to avoid giving Twitter credit on Mastodon. Generally it's best to crosspost from Mastodon to Twitter but if you have to do it the other way around make sure you don't crosspost retweets and don't crosspost posts that contain Twitter handles.