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欢迎来到加入 Fediverse 维基 is an encyclopedia dedicated to all things Fediverse! Fedi-what? Fediverse!
It's that cool alternative social media system, that's independent of global corporations and giving you full control over your data and media.
Sounds cool? Then let's make a journey through the federated universe.
入门: |
Fediverse项目 |
check out the Quickstart guide
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Further questions?
- Just ask in the Fediverse. People will be glad to answer.
- If you speak German tag @askfedi_de in your question otherwise tag @JoinFediverseWiki.
- Ask in the friendly 🏘️ Fediverse Town Forum.
Looking for something more exciting?
You already know the basics and wish to learn on more advanced topics? We've got you covered! Check out these: