User:MakaryGo/sandbox/Main Page

From Join the Fediverse

Welcome to, an online encyclopedia dedicated to all things Fediverse!

−Fediverse! It's that new, hip, alternative social media system that's independent of global corporations and givesyou full control over your data and media.
−Sounds fun? Then let's make a journey through the federated universe!

Getting started

Beginer topics Federated projects

Fediverse projects

What people usually tell you about the Fediverse

Account creation

Getting started with your Fediverse account

Mobile apps

Best practices

Category What_are_Fediverse_projects? not found

If you get lost or need some help, feel free to ask our friendly community at the 🏘️ Fediverse Town Forum.

Looking for something more exciting?

You already know the basics and wish to learn on more advanced topics? We've got you covered! Check out these:
