Qu’est ce que Lemmy ?

Revision as of 17:51, 11 January 2023 by Lejun (talk | contribs) (Traduction segment)

Lemmy logo
Page web join-lemmy.org
Instance officiel lemmy.ml
Instances liste fediverse.observer
Mastodon compte @LemmyDev

Lemmy est un aggrégateur de liens et l’alternative du Fédivers pour Reddit.

What does Lemmy feel like?

Lemmy is similar to sites like Reddit, Lobste.rs or Hacker News: You subscribe to communities that you're interested in, post links and discussions and vote and comment on them.
Communities are similar to forum categories, so Lemmy can be used as a forum.
Since it's part of the Fediverse different Lemmy instances can communicate with each other. Mastodon users can also take part in Lemmy discussions and subscribe to lemmy communities.

Further Reading

External links
