All translations

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Found 10 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h German (de)lies die {{Internal link |target=Welcome to the Fediverse Quickstart guide |link-name=Schnellstart Anleitung}}!
 h English (en)check out the {{Internal link |target=Welcome to the Fediverse Quickstart guide |link-name=Quickstart guide}}!
 h Spanish (es)Consulte la [[Special:MyLanguage/Welcome to the Fediverse Quickstart guide/es|Guía rápida]]!
 h French (fr)Jetez un œil au {{Internal link |target=Welcome to the Fediverse Quickstart guide|link-name=Guide de démarrage}} !
 h Hebrew (he)בדקו את [[Special:MyLanguage/Welcome to the Fediverse Quickstart guide|Quickstart guide]]
 h Italian (it)consulta la [[Special:MyLanguage/Welcome to the Fediverse Quickstart guide|Guida rapida]]
 h Japanese (ja)[[Special:MyLanguage/Welcome to the Fediverse Quickstart guide|クイックスタート・ガイド]]をどうぞ。
 h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)Confira o [[Special:MyLanguage/Welcome to the Fediverse Quickstart guide|Guia Rápido]]!
 h Russian (ru)ознакомьтесь с [[Special:MyLanguage/Welcome to the Fediverse Quickstart guide|Кратким руководством]]!
 h Chinese (China) (zh-cn)查看[[Special:MyLanguage/Welcome to the Fediverse Quickstart guide|快速入门指南]]!