
From Join the Fediverse
Revision as of 22:31, 26 June 2024 by AvidSeeker (talk | contribs) (Share @neustradamus observations)
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This article is a draft!
A lot of info might still be missing and the page might change at any time.

This page lists hashtag rules to determine what is considered hashtag and what isn't.


Mastodon renders the following bolded text as hashtags:

  • #hashtag
  • "#hashtag"
  • " #hashtag"
  • (#hashtag/#hashtag)
  • ( #hashtag/#hashtag)
  • ( #hashtag /#hashtag)
  • ( #hashtag / #hashtag)
  • -#hashtag
  • _#hashtag
  • !#hashtag
  • ?#hashtag
  • @#hashtag
  • ;#hashtag
  • ,#hashtag
  • .#hashtag
  • [#hashtag
  • &#hashtag
  • ^#hashtag