Translations:Mastodon features explained/41/en

From Join the Fediverse
  • Public
    Unless you changed it in the settings toots will be public by default. Public means everybody can see your toot on your profile, in public timelines and - if they follow you - in their home timeline.
  • Unlisted
    When you post an unlisted toot everybody can see it on your profile and followers can see it in their home-timelines, but it won't be displayed on public timelines.
    People can boost your toot, but the boosted toot will follow the same rules.
  • Followers-only
    Only followers can see that toot on your profile and in their home timelines. The toot can not be boosted.
  • Direct
    A direct message can only be seen by people who are mentioned in it. You can add more than one people to a direct message. If you later on add more people to a direct conversation, they will only see the new messages, since they are mentioned.