Modèle : À propos/Nous

From Join the Fediverse
Revision as of 06:43, 16 February 2024 by Snoopy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Pour nous rejoindre create a user account!")
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Qui sommes-nous ?

This wiki belongs to all of us! Anyone can add their knowledge under two free creative commons licenses (1 and 2).
Free license basically means that you can copy any text on this wiki and use it anywhere, as long as you credit the JoinFediverseWiki and license your page under the same license.

Pour nous rejoindre create a user account!

The person who pais the bills (hint: donations are accepted) and main admin of this wiki is PaulaToThePeople, a climate justice activist and Fediverse enthusiast. The website runs on a 100% green server located in Vienna, Austria and is maintained by the Fediverse Foundation.