Translations:How to host your own Fediverse instance?/22/en

When the diagnosis is done check out the errors displayed in the category DNS records. You'll need to fix the errors for the categories basic and mail.
To do that go to your Contabo control panel (in another tab), "your services" and click on "manage" besides your domain. Now click on "edit DNS zones".
The YunoHost diagnosis results tell you exactly which entries to delete (you can't edit entries) and what to add. When the Type is txt just copy the text between the quotation marks, not the quotations marks themselves.
Once you added all necessary DNS records run the YunoHost diagnosis again.
You may have to wait a while until the diagnosis tool will run the diagnosis again and not just display the prior results.
When you ran diagnosis again and the DNS errors are fixed you can go to home, domains, click on your domain then on "SSL certificate" and then "Install Let's Encrypt Certificate".
If you're still waiting for the diagnosis tool you can continue with step 6. and finish step 5. later.